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    GSDP:GAM100/CProcessing/CP Engine Terminate()



    This will end the program after completing the current frame.

    Example Usage

    // Horizontal position of the square
    float x_pos;
    void init()
      // Start the square at the left of the screen
      x_pos = 0;
      // Set the square to draw yellow
      CP_Settings_Fill(CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 0, 255));
    void update()
      // Set background to black
      CP_Settings_Background(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
      // Draw the square
      CP_Graphics_DrawRect(x_pos, (float)CP_System_GetWindowHeight()/ 2.0f, 100, 100);
      x_pos += 2;
      // If space pressed, reset the state 
      if (CP_Input_KeyTriggered(KEY_SPACE))
        CP_Engine_SetNextGameStateForced(init, update, NULL);
      // If escape is pressed, end the program
      if (CP_Input_KeyTriggered(KEY_ESCAPE))
    int main(void)
      // Set the initial game state
      CP_Engine_SetNextGameState(init, update, NULL);
      // Run the program

    See Also