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    Create a Mat3 default matrix. This is the same as the Mat3 identity matrix that you get from calling mat3_identity().


    Mat3 default_m;
    Mat3 identity_m;
    void init()
      textFont(defaultFont, 30.0f);
      fill(color(0, 0, 0, 255));
      default_m = mat3();
      identity_m = mat3_identity();
    void update()
      background(color(255, 255, 255, 255));
      // Print out the default matrix
      text("Default: ", 0, 30);
      char matrix[128] = {0};
      sprintf_s(matrix, 128,"[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]\n[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]\n[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]",
        default_m.m00, default_m.m01, default_m.m02,
        default_m.m10, default_m.m11, default_m.m12,
        default_m.m20, default_m.m21, default_m.m22);
      textBox(matrix, 175, 30, 200);
      // Print out the identity matrix
      text("Identity: ", 0, 150);
      sprintf_s(matrix, 128, "[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]\n[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]\n[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f]",
        identity_m.m00, identity_m.m01, identity_m.m02,
        identity_m.m10, identity_m.m11, identity_m.m12,
        identity_m.m20, identity_m.m21, identity_m.m22);
      textBox(matrix, 175, 150, 200);
      text("They are the same!", 0, 300);
