GSDP:GAM100/CProcessing/CP Font
From Inside
< GSDP:GAM100 | CProcessing
CP_Font is a type that can be used to store loaded fonts and swap them out as needed. Calling the function CP_Font_Load() will load a font and CP_Font_Set() will set it as the current font. CP_Font_GetDefault() can be used in place of a CP_Font to re-select the default font.
void update()
// Set the background color to blue
CP_Settings_Background(CP_Color_Create(60, 120, 255, 255));
// Load a font from the assets folder
CP_Font font1 = CP_Font_Load("./Assets/Exo2-Regular.ttf");
// Select it as the current font, setting the size to 36
CP_Font_Set(font1, 36.0f);
// Write "Hello, World!" at the mouse position
CP_Text_DrawText("Hello, World!", CP_Input_GetMouseX(), CP_Input_GetMouseY());
// Select the default font, size 36
CP_Font_Set(CP_Font_GetDefault(), 36.0f);
// Write "Hello, World!" at the point (25, 25)
CP_Text_DrawText("Hello, World!", 25.0f, 25.0f);