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    Creating your Student Account

    Creating your Student Account

    Your Student Account gives you access to a range of computer and IT resources, including your student email account, online coursework tools, and the ability to use the computer workstations on campus. It consists of a username and password that you choose. To create your Student Account:

    1. Visit
    2. Enter your SRS ID and the email address you used to apply to DigiPen.
    3. Choose your username from a list of available options.
    4. You will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter with your username and a temporary password.
    5. Change your password by visiting

    Keep your Student Account login information safe and secure. You will use this account your entire time at DigiPen.

    PRO-TIP: Don’t worry about your DigiPen email account just yet. We will activate it for you at New Student Orientation.